Wednesday, June 27, 2012

over a month of healthy eating! 6-27

It was about a month ago I got so mad at myself!  I have eaten healthy EVERY day since then!  It is quite shocking to discover I don't crave the junk food like I used to.  If I crave sugar (which I usually don't) I will have some fruit and then the craving is over.  Sometimes, I will have a rice crispie treat but that is soooooo rare.  When I grocery shop next month I will be buying me some salad stuff so that maybe I will actually make my own salads here at home instead of driving to Panera each day.  They use the good Romaine lettuce, which is why I go there and they aren't too pricey.  I can't eat iceberg lettuce at all as it totally upsets my stomach.  It makes it a total mess so I avoid that type of lettuce all the time.

Anyways, I have been able to do some exercises at Physical therapy for about 9 minutes now.  It is a type of elliptical machine.  At first I thought it was a type of stationary bike but it is not.  I tried the stationary bike and I can't do it.  I am going to price this type of elliptical to see if I can afford one of my own.

I hope summer is going rather well for you!!!


Sunday, June 10, 2012

A hot, sunny day! 6-10

Kathy and I are both working on eating healthy and I think we both are doing pretty okay with it.  I am going to neighbors for dinner but since they serve healthy food, it will work out well.  We do dinner and a movie although I think we are still watching some Dr. Quinn medicine woman episodes.  It is what is currently on at the Hubel house.  I am making a yellow cake with frosting and raspberries on top for dessert.  I don't plan on actually having any, but since they feed me so often, I am bringing them the cake. Carolyn and Sean picked out the flavor and the fruit!

I am not sure if I have lost any weight yet, but these shorts are starting to feel a bit too big so it is a possibility.  Since I refuse to get on a scale, I will wait and see what happens.

I hope your weekend was as good as mine!  Oh - one of my lovely students is now coming back to me!!!!!  I miss that little one so much!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I lost count of days 6-5

I don't know how many days it is of eating healthy.  I am still doing pretty well.  I had my first day of actual therapy yesterday and I am a bit sorer than usual because of the therapy but I don't mind, it is a good kind of pain.  It means I used muscles that I didn't know could still work!  I go back tomorrow for my next session.  I am planning to do my exercises before bed tonight.  I hope to learn new ones tomorrow.  I have to also remember to bring my inhaler with me incase I accidentally do to much and cause an asthma attack.  There, I moved the inhaler from my room to my purse, just incase.  I do not expect an asthma attack while I am in therapy but hey, I suppose it is possible.

I am looking forward to therapy tomorrow.  I wonder how many new exercises I will learn.  Hmmmm, one never knows.
