Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Christmas is right around the corner.  I am in pretty good shape for it right now.  I am not solid on my plans yet, but I will be in a few days.  I did pretty well at Thanksgiving with my eating.  I really did.  I will do what I did at Thanksgiving.  I made sure I had some protein and the veggies first before I touched the potatoes and the dressing.  I love stuffing so much that I really have to be careful about it.  I don't really need to do a big grocery shopping right now because I picked up a few things today.  I had to get bread and milk as well as the all important toilet paper!  I do have a running list of things I would like for the next shopping, but there isn't anything desperately needed at this point.

I haven't lost any weight that I know of, but I also have not gained.  I am doing better with eating a balanced meal now.  We are almost at the point in the family room where I can get to my exercise machine so as soon as I can, I will be back on it.  I will start with it soon.  right now, it is just not where I can get to it.  I am not looking to the New Year right now.  As it gets closer, I am sure I will.  It is just too far away to think about it right now.  I will worry about it later.

I can't wait until I finish clearing up my kitchen and putting things away and moving the music back downstairs where it belongs.  Then I plan to cook a roast on Sunday so that I will have the left overs for a few days after.  I freeze some of it right away.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Heather,
    Thank you for stopping by and saying hello. I have been busy, busy, busy, and still am, but I just had to post something for Christmas - I'm glad you like that song also.
    I read the post before this one and glad that I did. It reminded me that I have a red and green plaid tablecloth to put on the kitchen table. I had forgotten all about it.

    Just curious, have you heard of gluten free diets? I have a friend who is on one now, and even her arthritis is better - not gone away, but better. Of course it only works if you are sensitive to gluten. Some doctors poo-pah the whole idea but many are starting to believe that there is something to it.

    Have a Merry Christmas
